Monday, June 8, 2015

Arcade Block (May 2015)

After receiving and loving my Classic Nerd Block a couple weeks ago, I decided to give the Arcade Block a shot and in my opinion, it was even better than the Nerd Block.

First up is of course the t-shirt and this month is awesome! It features creatures and monsters from the Final Fantasy series pitted against each other in a Smash Bros/Street Fighter type battle game.

The featured item in this block is a South Park: Stick of Truth figure. I'll be honest, I'm not a fan of South Park at all so I have no interest in this. All I know is I got Kenny and he's dressed like a princess!

This is a wooden magnet featuring Kick Punch, the first song you perform in PaRappa the Rapper. "Don't get cocky, it's gonna get rocky!"

I hardly ever wear hats but when I saw this, that all changed. This military style hat has a subtle Metal Gear Solid reference that mega fans will love. It fit my little head perfectly and I have been wearing it almost every single day this week.

Oh. My. God. This is incredible. An apothecary jar with Zelda style health hearts on it. How fitting! Now where can I find a fairy to put in it!? Or maybe some milk!

Do you get this reference? If you don't, I'm disappointed. Well not really but you should know what it is because it's amazing! I love Mario Kart but I hate those darn blue shells. All I ever end up with when I play are bananas! This sign is going in my car right away. Other drivers beware!

I would say this was a very successful first Arcade Block! I'm really happy I got a multi month subscription and can't wait to see what's in next month's block.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

May Beauty Favourites featuring Colourpop (2015)

I don't even know how to officially start this post. I am OBSESSED with this company. I discovered them just last month after hearing a ton of buzz about them on YouTube. They have so many different products from eyeshadows, blushes, bronzers, highlighters and my favorite, lippie stix. And what's the best part you may ask? Everything is between $5-8! So crazy good!

Where The Light Is Eyeshadow Foursome

Top: L - Glow   R- Cornelious
Bottom: L - KathleenLights   R - Blaze 
This collaboration is what started my obsession. I'm a huge fan of Kathleen Lights on YouTube and she recently created this foursome with Colourpop. It is stunning! It has everything you need to create the perfect eye looks and the pigmentation is incredible. I already have a nice dent in the KathleenLights shade.

Individual Eyeshadows

Top: L - Bubbly   R - Shark Attack
Bottom: L - In A Pickle   R - Smash
I also purchased a couple more individual shadows because they are that wonderful. You cannot go wrong with a ton of browns and pinks in your collection!

Birthday Girl Eyeshadow

That packaging!
I also wanted to include this limited edition eyeshadow I received in my last order. Colourpop celebrated their first birthday last month and gave away this beautiful eyeshadow with your purchase. Not only is the colour fantastic, but that packaging is to die for. Absolutely LOVE it!

Blush in Prenup
I only have one blush to share with you but it's a beauty. It's a lovely pink that gives a light flush of colour to the cheeks, or can be built up if you prefer that and would be great on many different skin tones. I can definitely see more of these babies in my future.

L to R: Lunch Money, Smoke N Whistles and Hippo

Highlighters are one of my favourite beauty products! They just add the most beautiful glow to your cheekbones. I decided to try three different shades from this collection. One gold champagne, one pink champagne and one gorgeous lavender shade. They are all wonderful on my fair skin but they also have so many different shades available that will suit every skin tone.

Lippie Stix

I have managed to purchase nine of these lippie stix since last month. It's so hard to resist when you know they are only $5! They have so many different shades and a couple different formulas ranging from matte, satin, cream, glossy and hyper glossy. I love the bullet pencil form of these lip products. They are so easy to use and get the product precisely on the lips.

Another thing I must mention is that with every order you get a hand written note. Yes, a hand written note! Who does that anymore!? It is such a personal touch and they always make me giggle.

And that concludes my monthly favourites and my spotlight on the wonderful company that is Colourpop. Let me know if you have ever tried out these products before and if you love them as much as I do!