Friday, April 10, 2015

Follow Me Friday (April 10th)

Good day lovelies!

I hope you're all having a wonderful Friday so far. I know it is most people's favorite day of the week!

Rain, rain, go away

As you can see, it's a very rainy and cold day here today. I almost wanted to go back inside the house as soon as I went outside. Yuck!


But I couldn't do that because I had lunch to get to! We took a drive over to East Side Mario's, one of my favorite restaurants. I must have been Italian in a former life. I can never get enough pasta and pizza in my life! And who doesn't love all you can eat salad and garlic bread!?

My gamer side is SO excited!

Today was also the release day of Xenoblade Chronicles for the New Nintendo 3DS! I picked up a new limited edition Majora's Mask console about two weeks ago and it is fantastic. The 3D support on this console compared to the old console is a major improvement. And since there was a sale happening, I decided to pick up a copy of Code Name: Steam too. I have a couple amiibo on pre order coming next month that are supported in this game. More information on those to come!

And now that I'm back inside my warm house, I'm going to grab some blankets, curl up and watch Netflix. I see that the new series Daredevil is finally up and being a Marvel super fan, I think that's exactly what I'm going to watch!

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